

And  we’re off.

In order to satisfy the terms of the Scarman trust the course needs to be run in area where there can be said to be greater needs and fewer chances, in this case we have selected Whitehawk and Hangleton. Unfortunately, once the course becomes open to the general public there is then  less of a chance for the original members to get  a go because  the places may be taken up by those in greater need. And because of the ratio of students to cameras there can only be a maximum of 15 members at any one time.

What I propose then is this

I will run courses for White hawk at the Whitehawk Youth centre (time yet to be arranged) and at BhIp (every Wednesday for 12 weeks from  3.30-5pm 1st Wednesday in November)based on their needs and these will be open to both public and any Magic Lanterners who wish to attend.

Then on Sunday ( or another day chosen by you) I will voluntarily run another course for Magic Lantern members only. This course will be for the original members who proposed the course and any other Magic Lanterner.  However to do this we will need a place or someone’s coffee table to run it from.

At the moment of writing Grania has offered her shop as place to run it from on whatever time is most convenient for members. Her shop is covered by public liability. I am also thinking of using Jubilee library as a place to meet up as they have computers for members to upload films. Or if any parent , guardian out there has CRB clearance perhaps they would like to invite members to meet up at their house.

All we really need is a meeting up point, space to film in and access to a PC


Any invites or ideas then please email me


or leave us a post here and we will come to pick them up

So now you have 3 choices

You can choose to attend Wednesday BhIP from 3-30-5pm –

Whitehawk- from whenever we decide on a time

Magic Lantern only- on whatever time we decide


Please let me know your thoughts and proposed times?


Magic Mark

Our Swiss parent organization ran a competition last year and the winners had a chance to think up a film and then make a trailer for it, with help from professionals. Here is one of them – Fast Arrow, a native American hero


Dear Magic Lanterners

Give us your old film cameras

As you know a film club is about to start up and we are asking for donations of old film cameras that you may have lurking about that you don’t use anymore. We ask that you give them to our members so that we can start making films

SUPER 8 ,SUPER 16 and dv cameras are all welcome.

please send them to

Balint or Mark


Magic Lantern

2B Stanmer park Road



01273 248 651

give us a call or leave us a post here and we will come to pick them up

Magic Lantern UK has reached a cross-roads.
We need to think out where we go from here.

We have drafted a consultation paper on our future.
It examines where we are now (Summer of 2009),
what our problems are, and where we might go from here.

We should welcome your comments and suggestions.

To read the paper, click here.

As you know, it is part of the Magic Lantern discipline (and also demanded by many of our sponsors) periodically to seek feedback from parents and children. You have probably contributed to these surveys, but may not have seen the analysis of the results.

They are linked to this page: 

To see results of the 2006-07 survey, click here
For an analysis of the 2008-09 survey, click here.


Try this slide-show summarising the life and work of Charlie Chaplin.

Where does the word ‘magic lantern’ come from?
It was the precursor of cinema in Victorian times – a hugely popular form of entertainment. Here is a wonderful slideshow that explains it all – have a look and learn from it.

With help from Mark James of SCIP a Magic Lantern Events Diary is in preparation. Here is a taster, so far showing only the Merseyside dates.

Here is a set of (not brilliant, but fun) pictures taken at the inaugural Magic Lantern show on Merseyside, at the Woolron Picture House.

The pictures were taken during rehearsal, before the children arrived (and before we had the lighting properly set up). They show Melanie in full flight as a an African Griot (traditional story teller) trying hard to tell the story of Kirikou. Alas, there is a curse on her and the Innocent, played by Corin, has not yet had enough help from the children to lift the curse. But wait and see!

To see the whole gallery:   Click here and have fun!

You might also wish to visit our Kirikou web-page by clicking here.

Magic Lantern has a lot more to offer than just run magic club sessions for kids –  there are exciting new on-line developments to look at now and to look forward to in the near future – things like how to make a film, and an on-line film encyclopedia!

Here is the link to follow to Magic Lantern On-Line